Stories From the Heart of International House

  • A Safe Place

    Posted in Stories from International House on Feb 27, 2019

    Have you ever felt slapped in the face by an expectation you didn't even know you had? If you haven't, it's a humbling experience. And if you have, allow me to commiserate with you . . .

    My first day on staff at International House began on a Women's Club day. For anyone not familiar with what Women’s Club is, it's a day where thirty to forty women from just about as many countries come to IHouse for English classes, or sewing and knitting instruction, as well as to enjoy fellowship with other refugees and internationals and numerous volunteers. Many of them also have their children with them ...

  • Sewing New Possibilities

    Posted in Stories from International House on Jul 16, 2017

    When a woman arrives from a refugee camp and lands in Fort Wayne, her world is suddenly and radically different. The weather is colder, the Americans are foreign, and our customs are strange to her. There is a great deal to adapt and adjust to as she navigates this new world.

    Many times as a lady joins the sewing program at International House, one of the first obstacles she encounters, outside of the language barrier, is making choices. Simple things that American women take for granted are milestones for a newly arrived international. 

    The sewing cottage at International House is a safe and ...