Partner With Us
Volunteer Opportunities
If you're interested in volunteering with International House, please submit your application (available below) to jamie@ihouse.org.
Once your application is received, you'll be contacted to arrange an interview and to visit the programs of interest. Please feel free to ask any questions throughout the process.
Teaches English to a small group of internationals.
Prays for individual internationals, resettled people groups, and for International House ministry.
Attends Prayerworks the 3rd Friday of each month to pray on behalf of internationals in our city.
Assists teachers with lessons and fills in when the teacher is unavailable.
Provides help and support to the Citizenship Class teachers and students.
Teaches ELL to internationals in their homes.
Teaches women / assists women in sewing projects. Knitting and crocheting also available.
Ministers to infants and children in small group settings.
Offers hospitality and/or manages the food and beverage arrangements for Women's Club.
Provides friendly transportation and encouragement to internationals for ELL classes.
Produces materials to assist in fundraising and volunteer recruitment.
Assists with International House computers, printers, website, etc.
Helps maintain International House facility
Empowers and transports individuals and families in their medical and social service journeys.
Mentors a group of middle school and high school Zo Burmese Christian girls.
Teaches international men woodworking and building skills.
Helps plan and execute the International House Annual Benefit
Donate Now
If you want to donate now, you can do so online via credit card or Paypal.
To give by mail, please send your gift to:
429 E. Dupont Rd. #151
Ft. Wayne, Indiana 46825
This address is for mail only
By Mail
In Person
711 E Washington Center Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46825

People Impacted
Current Volunteers
Countries Served